

VOLUNTEER Application - For All Campuses 2024-2025 (0007)

Job Posting

Job Details

TitleVOLUNTEER Application - For All Campuses 2024-2025
Posting ID0007

Your service as a volunteer in our school is greatly appreciated. In your association with teachers and students, you may have access to student information that is not to be shared or discussed with anyone other than designated personnel.


Confidentiality is of the utmost importance in your work with teachers and students. You may not discuss matters about a child with anyone, not even that child’s parents / guardians; nor are you to contact parents / guardians regarding the behavior or performance of students. You must always refer questions regarding students to the student’s teacher or a school administrator. If you need help with a student, discuss the matter professionally with the child’s teacher, administrator or other designated school official.


It is required that you acknowledge your intent to fulfill this responsibility by completing this Volunteer Application.

  1. I will not discuss or answer questions with others, when serving as a volunteer, or when no longer in a volunteer role, about the content of any confidential student information which was learned in the course of, or because of, my work in the school. Nor will I disclose or permit to be disclosed, directly or indirectly, student education records, personally identifiable student information in such records or other confidential information regarding any student. Exceptions to this rule include my ability to discuss student information with designated faculty or staff members and/or as authorized by administration.
  2. The confidentiality of student information shall include, but is not limited to, these topics:
  3. Academic standing, including student grades and test scores;
  4. Attendance;
  5. Financial status;
  6. Physical/mental health identity and history;
  7. Disciplinary status/records.
  8. I further understand that, in accordance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, that any “education records” (generally defined as “those records, files, documents, and other materials which contain information directly related to a student; and are maintained by an educational agency or institution or by a person acting for such agency or institution”) cannot be released, except as enumerated in law, without parent/guardian permission.
  9. As a volunteer, I understand that I am not authorized to examine, release or comment on student records/information unless expressly authorized by school official in accordance with applicable law.
  10. While in the possession and control of confidential student data, I understand that I must protect those documents from being viewed or obtained by non-authorized individuals.
  11. I will never take any confidential student data off campus unless authorized by a school administrator or his designee.
  12. Concerns or questions regarding student records or issues of confidentiality should be brought to the attention of the school administrator and/or faculty or staff member that supervises the volunteer.
  13. I must report any breach or suspected breach in this confidentiality agreement to the building administrator or his designee.


Volunteers at ResponsiveEd Schools shall perform tasks only under the supervision and guidance of appropriate faculty and staff, and are expected to comply with all district rules and regulations. Violation of these guidelines may constitute cause for termination of the volunteer’s services. The Campus Administrator or his designee is responsible for decisions concerning continuation or discontinuance of a volunteer’s activities.



Information may be used for decisions about volunteering or employment with Responsive Education Solutions.*


In connection with my application for employment/volunteerism with ResponsiveEd, I understand that as a part of the application process, ResponsiveEd uses a third party company to conduct criminal history background checks. I understand that ResponsiveEd may use any information provided during the application process, in performing the criminal history check. I understand that if employed, my employment with ResponsiveEd will be temporary, pending the outcome of the criminal history record information. I understand that Responsiveed reserves the right to not accept any applicant whose criminal history indicates a conviction for a felony, crimes against persons, drug-related crimes, job-related crimes, and repeated offenses, offenses that pose a risk to children or any other criminal activity judged to be improper for a school employee.

Shift TypeVolunteer
Salary RangeVolunteer
LocationDistrict Wide

Applications Accepted

Start Date07/08/2024

Job Contact

NameHR DeptTitle